1. ENTER Galleries
  2. SELECT a gallery of your choice
  3. Use the SEARCH  (top right) to find images quicker – USE school name / club name (hoërskool ….. boys/girls) – this will be refined on a later stage
  4. Click ON an image to enlarge
  5. TICK – Select photo
  6. TICK add to CART
  7. To shop more images – a screen on the top of the page will direct you back to the gallery
  8. Continue to CHECK OUT
  9. Fill in the required fields (email & phone number)
  10. TICK Delivery & Billing
  11. Lastly tick EFT or Zapper
  12. SELECT – Complete purchase

By registering to the website and saving your login details will only make the next round of orders easier.

Upon order:

You will receive TWO emails

  1. ORDER NOTIFICATIONproof of your specific order
  2. ORDER DETAILSwhich gives the bank details for EFT and Zapper QR code

Once payment has been received and confirmed, you will receive a We Transfer email with a link to download your images. (Depending on your bank – confirmation might take two to three working days – whereafter delivery will be done)


HH Photography and Design


Current Account

Account no.: 1589 388 445

Branch code: 158 952

Reference: your surname and the order number